There’s been a lot happening this summer! Check out the latest information from the UBPOA
If you did not receive the Newsletter we emailed on August 20th, please send a message to and we will make sure you are added to our distribution list.
August 20, 2023
Hello to all Upper Brazos Property Owners!
We hope you are having a great summer and looking forward to cooler weather. Your UBPOA board Karen Adam, John Holtry, Alicia Eiler, Meredith Pond, and Teri Fahs began work in May 2023 after Meredith was unanimously elected to the Board during the May 27, 2023, Annual Meeting. Together we have been hard at work re-confirming the role of the UBPOA as a vital, supportive part of the of the Brazos Canyon community. We continue to receive help from past UBPOA board members as we improve and strengthen the UBPOA.
Your comments and suggestions are most welcome! Please, let us know if our emails and newsletters are of interest. What more might we add? The Fall newsletter will include tips on closing your cabin, tradesmen who might help, and other updates.
What is the purpose of the UBPOA?
The UBPOA was established to: 1) help preserve the beauty and sanctuary of the canyon for both people and wildlife; 2) enable the enjoyment of recreational activities such as hiking and fishing; 3) and encourage a sense of community.Business
Our business address for all UBPOA continues to be:
PO Box 633
Tierra Amarilla, NM 87575
The 1971 UBPOA Handbook has been updated and is now on the UBPOA website. The 1971 UBPOA By-Laws were updated and approved by the membership at the May 2023 Annual Meeting. A few sections of the By-Laws still need tweaking (election of members to the UBPOA board) and will be presented spring 2023.
The UBPOA website,, is updated and connected to Facebook’s Upper Brazos Property Owners Association, In the Brazos, and What’s Up in Chama. Brazos Firewise information is also available on our website. These sites are full of information regarding the Brazos Canyon and Chama area in general.
Members present at the May 27th, 2023, Annual UBPOA Membership meeting unanimously voted to increase yearly dues to $100.00. Membership dues for the UBPOA have not increased since the inception of the organization in 1971.
The following financial fund balances are as of August 12th, 2023:
Balance total – $14,000
The UBPOA currently has fifty-two member families. If your family has not renewed their membership since last year, please do so now. There are approximately 175 potential member families. Our goal is to have sixty-five member families in 2023. Will your family join or re-join???
If your family has never been a member, PLEASE consider joining this year. You do not need to have a home on your property to join. Any help in supporting the roads, pond, and social activities is very much appreciated! A membership form is at the end of the newsletter. Crass as it is we would like you to join for your financial support but would LOVE even more to get to know your family by helping the organization – even if just once a year. We know many families come to the Brazos to relax but we need a safe, inviting place to come and that does not happen by itself.
State Road 512 continues to be the ONLY approved evacuation route from the Brazos Canyon.
REMEMBER the State of NM has declared that NO outdoor fires are allowed! Please adhere to this regulation. It is uncomfortable for neighbors to have to remind each other of this statute. Even more uncomfortable is a visit from the State Police to ask your family to put the campfire out.
The Brazos Firewise organization has sponsored two chipping events this summer. What a great opportunity to mitigate flammable materials around our homes. Please visit their website to learn more about the organization and their offerings.
Please accept the following from Joe Carrillo, NM State Forestry-Chama District. With the current drought each item is well worth reading.
June 24th, 2023, UBPOA members joined at the pond to mow and clean the areas around the pond. Mike and Karen Adam, David and Maureen Catanach, Meredith Pond, John Holtry, Brian Padilla, and Dennis and Teri Fahs. Work continues removing cattails, unhealthy trees, and vegetation in and around the pond.
A current survey of the pond is now complete. A bid from NORA has been received to bring electricity to the aerator!
Jake Collister has removed two large, downed trees below the earthen dam and two dying aspen trees by the circle drive
September 16th, 2023 has been set as the final 2023 clean-up day for the pond. Please join us at 9 AM. We will be cleaning cattails and the final patch of brush around the large pine tree.
As a result of this demanding work a visitor from one of our neighborhood B and B’s stopped to say “thank you” for the well-kept pond. His daughters caught their first fish in our pond!!!!!
Roads in our community were hit hard by spring run-off. The damage could have been lessened if surrounding culverts had been functioning properly. PLEASE, if there is a culvert close to or on your property consider cleaning it out.
We have received, and accepted, a bid to clean the bar ditch on Tall Pines.
Mark your calendar for
Saturday, September 2, 2022
11 AM until???
for the annual UBPOA Picnic
Location: the beautiful Cielo Azul cul de sac
As always, the UBPOA will provide hamburgers and hot dogs with the fixings. Plates, napkins, and plastic ware will be provided. Please, bring a side dish or two to share and your beverage of choice.
Karen Adam is again heading up a dessert making contest! Numerous categories – do not be afraid to enter! Watch your e-mail for instructions!! Drop off your creations at the picnic area at 10 AM.
Games and more – corn-hole, badminton, visiting and eating!
Can you help with planning, set-up, or clean-up? Please contact
We have numerous bears in the community this year. Jake Collison has shared this photo of a mom and baby. Neither was phased by the sound of the “bear horn.” PLEASE, do not leave trash out, set rolling cans out early for Thursday pick-up, leave deer food bags unlocked or hummingbird food out at night. This is for the safety of everyone.
Please see the Upper Brazos Property Owner’s Facebook page for an updated report.
Please, seriously, take the time to think about volunteering with the UBPOA. We need more members for the board, we need help with designing a road maintenance plan and the revitalizing of the pond. How about helping with the set-up or take-down of the picnic? Please contact any member of the board to volunteer!
Upper Brazos Property Owners’ Association
PO Box 633
Tierra Amarilla, NM 87575
© 2025 Upper Brazos Property Owner's Association. All Rights Reserved.